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Multi-user tag management for Users in admin panel



In Ethora, tags are associated with Users and some other entities.

Tags are important for supporting many different use cases as they allow, for example, to assign Users to certain groups or clusters, or assign certain attributes to Users.

Tags can be managed programmatically via API or manually via Admin Panel.

Managing tags in Ethora admin dashboard, Users Management screen currently might be slightly confusing - see example below.


1. Admin has selected multiple Users and clicked "Manage Tags" 

2. System displays following modal:




What happens if Admin enters new "second" tag here and clicks "Submit"?

(A) will user Jelly Fish get all 4 tags applied (because we see "1", "onemore", "hey" in the modal + "second" will be added), or

(B) will Jelly Fish only keep "hey" and have "second" added? 


The way this works currently, it's option (B). User Jelly Fish will only get the tag added that Admin has added explicitly in the "Add Tags" input. The tags from other records will not get added:




This sounds as a most logical option but might be a bit confusing for Admins. Is there any way to make it more intuitive for Admins? We are open for suggestions.


Improvement Suggestion

One way to do this would be display "intersection" tags in a solid way (as now), but non-intersection tags in a semi-transparent way.

So basically only tags that have IoU (intersection over union) in math terms need to be solid (non-transparent).

This way visually we are saying: tags that are 'in union' but non in IoU (intersection over union) will not be submitted for tags 'add' request.


Your ideas

Any of our users has better ideas - please feel free to contribute. 




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