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Ethora's Community

Use Case: Community super-app

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Community super-app was the very first use case that Ethora has covered. 

Use Case: Community super-app

For this use case, simply use our Ethora engine app as is - there is no need to embed it anywhere or code anything, no npm packages to run. You can apply your logo and custom colors via our admin web interface.

No app or web portal required, all Users use the same UI.

It works as your own branded app so you don't need any legacy app or web portal and all of your community and team members use the same interface.

Web and iOS/Android versions provided

You have two platforms covered here - Web application and a mobile native app for iPhone and Android.

Typical scenarios

  • Club or organization of any sort
  • Fan app (sports person, celebrity, artist and their fans / customers)
  • DAO (decentralized organization) with voting via smart contracts and token economy 
  • Friends making or dating application
  • Social Commerce



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